Schifflange educational complex

Organisation of a competition within the framework of the construction of a relay hostel for 300 children along with a competition for planning proposals for the later creation of an infants’ education room, two pre-school education classes, 2 primary classes (with the possibility to extend to 4) and a sports hall.
Location Schifflange (Grand Duchy of Luxembourg)
Client Schifflange Communal Administration
First prize: Alleva Enzio architects
2nd prize: Michel Petit Architect
Gross surface area 3.670 m²
Cost 12 Mio €
Start of service provision 2012
End of service provision 2015
Mission Research of basic data / definition and follow-up of preliminary work / drawing up of construction programme / drawing up of specification / planning director follow-up / preliminary coordination meetings / monitoring of permit procedures / organisation and follow-up of adjudication procedure / drawing up of administrative clauses and finalisation of competition dossier / assistance in pre-selecting candidates / preparation and distribution of competition dossier / assistance in formulating responses to questions from the candidates / assistance in the preparation and organisation of an intermediate meeting / analysis of projects for conformity with specification and jury preparation / assistance at jury meeting / drawing up of final report and jury observations by project