Redesign of the Bricherhof, Luxembourg-Kirchberg

Description Re-laying out of the former Bricherhof motorway junction and conversion of the Avenue J.F. Kennedy urban boulevard with the addition of bus lanes.
Creation of a first roundabout (diameter 45m) with a re-layout of the Rue Albert Borschette and Rue Jean Monnet. Construction of a second roundabout (diameter 36m) establishing a connection with the redesigned Rue Kiem and Rue Muguets.
Creation, between these two roundabouts, of a new junction by locating a 70 metre long tunnel under the boulevard, an access system and landscaped retention walls.

Location Luxembourg-Kirchberg, Luxembourg

Client Kirchberg Plateau Planning Fund (FUAK)

Architects Concept drawn up by landscape architects Latz & Partner.

Cost 32.000.000 €

Start of service provision January 2014

End of service provision January 2016

summary pre-project / summary cost estimate / variant analysis / detailed pre-project / earth movement studies / multi-network study and constraints / permit requests / materials calculations / dossier submission / detailed cost estimate / execution plans / phased health & safety coordination / phasing plans / provisional diversion plans / technical assistance at execution phase / stability study

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